What is Oral Cancer and how is it treated?
Oral cancer is any cancerous tissue growth located in the mouth.

In 2007, patients in the US alone, about 34,000 individuals will be diagnosed with oral cancer, 66% of the time by the time it is diagnosed it is at a late stage. Low public awareness of the disease is a significant factor, but these cancers can be detected at an early stage through a simple, painless, 5 minute examination by a trained medical or dental professional..
Risk Factors Smoking and other tobacco use are associated with 75% of oral cancer cases. Alcohol use is another high risk activity associated with oral cancer. There is a strong synergistic effect on oral cancer risk when a person is both a heavy smoker and heavy drinker. Prolonged exposure to the sun increase the risk of lip cancer. More than 25% of oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and have no other risk factors. Oral cancer is more likely to strike after age 40.
Studies suggest that a diet high in fruits and vegetables may prevent the development of potentially cancerous lesions.

Lump, ulcer on the tongue, lip or other area of the mouth. Usually small, pale colored but may be dark or discolored.
Early sign may be a White Patch ( leukoplakia) or a Red Patch (Erythroplakia) on the soft tissues of the mouth, meaning the gums, tongue, floor of the mouth or inner aspect of the cheek. Usually painless initially but may develop a burning sensation or pain when the tumor is advanced. Ulcers ( sores) in the mouth that do not resolve within 14 days. Tongue problems, difficulty swallowing, pain and numbness are late symptoms.
Diagnosis and Treatment

An examination by the dentist, usually an oral surgeon will show a visible or palpable lesion of the lip, tongue, or other area of the mouth. As the tumor enlarge it may become ulcerated, at which point it becomes painful and may bleed.
If a tumor is suspected the only way to make a definitive diagnosis is through biopsy and microscopic examination of the cells. The biopsy can usually be done under local anesthesia by a oral surgeon in the office. If the diagnosis is confirmed then definitive treatment may require hospitalization for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy may also be indicated depending on the type of tumor that is present.